

 I have arrived safely in Athens, my first flight since Ireland. It was so nice to have someone else deal with my pack for a while. The hostel is in an awesome location, the Acropolis is right up the road, about 5 min. Its my first stop. It turns out that the marathon is today, I asked the guy which marathon and he said "the marathon" as in the original route and where marathon got its name, from the battle of Marathon and when the guy ran back and forth and then dropped dead. They start in Marathon and end in the old Olympic stadium here. I might try to have a look. It should be an interesting day, there are tons of extra people here on top of the normal masses. I am still trying to decide what to do about the island situation. The ferry would eat half of my time that I have for the islands so I might check some flights, or I might stay in Athens and just do day trips. Havent decided yet. The weather here is perfect, or it was last night anyways. There is a great breeze blowing through at night that reminds me of the south of France. Couple that with the great lighting all around and it makes for a great atmosphere. I am so excited to be here and cant believe that its already time for this part of the trip. This is actually my last week alone, next week Egypt and the tour. Lets hope I don't wander off as usual.

Sprawling City of Athens

Ancient Agora
