Meditation Moments

Did you know I often meditate around the world in off the beaten path places?

In order to remember all of these wonderful singular moments, I started a photo series in 2007 to document these places I've sat, from the view of an observer.

During my re-entry from my RTW trip I had some time on my hands and put them into a book accompanied by travel quotes that I like and resonated with my memory of the particular place and moment. The pages of this book have now made their way onto a separate blog on Tumblr and now also on instagram -  @meditationmoments -  Check em out!

Sometime in the future, these may also make it via book to your coffee table!

Meditation Moment, Nash Point, Wales, UK
Meditation Moment, Nash Point, Wales, UK 2014

Petra, Jordan, Treasury, Meditation Moment
Meditation Moment, Petra, Jordan 2014
